Admit Card for AIIMS PG Admission :

Admit Card Released for AIIMS PG Admission Test 2020

The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has released Hall tickets for its PG entrance exams, which are scheduled to start on June 11. Candidates can download their Admit Cards from the website.

Procedure to download Hall Ticket :

Step 1:
Visit the official website Official Website

Step 2: On the homepage, under 'Important Announcement', click on the 'Admit Card' link.

Step 3: In the New tab that opens, select the course you have applied.

Step 4: After this a new page will open, where you enter some details and then press 'Login'.

Step 5: Your admit card will be displayed on the next screen.

Step 6: Download it and keep a copy for future use.

Alternatively, click here to access the download page directly.

Notably, the test was scheduled for June 5, but was postponed due to a nationwide COVID-19 lockdown. In addition, inspections can be conducted in more than 150 cities to reduce the need to travel in view of ongoing COVID. 19 pestilence. The social distance rules are also followed at all examination centers.